Standard Offering
North Wonders' standard security awareness offering is designed to both instill a sense of security mindfulness and install good habits within your population of users. The program utilizes a multi-touch, multi-channel approach to educate and inform users of today's cybersecurity threats. This informational component is complemented with practical, actionable tips for users to protect themselves at home and at work.
Your users will be better aware of threats facing them in their daily interaction with the Internet. As they better understand actors, motives, and protections, they will be better positioned to defend themselves both at home and at work.
PWC recently reported that the impact of breaches was significantly lower, by an average of $521,000, for organizations with "comprehensive, ongoing employee training and awareness programs"
Yesterday's awareness and education programs focused on very prescriptive tasks and responses. Users are taught to look for a specific phishing email – and not click on it. However, with the dynamic nature of today's business and the many ways users interact with technology, we are failing to educate them broadly enough. Even the smartest of users can fall victim to scenarios where they haven't been specifically trained.
"People influence security far more than any technology or policy. Security leaders must invest in tools that increase security awareness and influence behavior..." - Gartner
So let's change the training paradigm and provide education on why email can be dangerous and how easily sender information can be faked. Let's discuss recent breaches and how simple encryption techniques could have prevented them. Let's teach them how to detect and respond when they are targeted. Our users don't need to be security experts to safely use technology. Users need awareness of threats and understanding of simple methods to protect themselves.
On the monthly basis, all users will receive the latest newsletter directly in their email boxes. These non-technical write ups are written for the average user with minimal technical skills. The engaging, non-intimidating language is designed to enlighten, inspire and install the skills necessary to safely operate in today's work environment.
This is done with a simple format of enticing, relatable stories and articles - complemented with practical and actionable tips. Users develop awareness of threats, learn how to detect them and are taught how to defend themselves. Below is a list of topics recently discussed in our newsletters.
• Defend yourself from scams this holiday season.
• What do bad guys do with the personal information they steal?
• Why is it critical to only use trusted app stores when installing software on your phone?
Awareness and positive behavior are best learned and retained when received multiple times via varied channels. To complement the newsletters, our standard package includes posters and flyers intended to reinforce concepts and behaviors.
These supporting displays are professionally printed and delivered. The simple visual cues will help keep security and good behavior front of mind.
Some users respond better to different methods of education. So, in addition to print, video, and flyers we include live presentations as another means of delivering our message. The presentations, either onsite or via webinar, will provide engaging and lively content that delves deeper into today's cyber security threats and how users can protect themselves. Below are a few recent presentations given by our staff.
• Password Security - How to Create and Protect a Good Password
• Top 10 Security Myths - These aren't your Father's Hackers.
• State of Cyber Security - Latest Threats and Protections
Our standard offering includes a series of reports for leadership to help gauge the employee engagement and participation in the program.