North Wonders offers a range of solutions to help companies of any size and any industry address their cyber security awareness needs. Working with leadership, we design solutions to address organizations' particular cyber risk issues and concerns.
PWC recently reported that the impact of breaches was significantly lower, by an average of $521,000, for organizations with "comprehensive, ongoing employee training and awareness programs"
Ransomware, email compromise and data breaches are all common events in today's business world. We have solutions designed to help companies address these and others common cyber security threats.
Our standard solution will educate your staff to help protect organizational assets such as bank accounts and email systems. Additionally our compliance content will protect customer and patient information - helping your company meet mandated awareness training.
Monthly security awareness content
Quarterly compliance related content
Access to exclusive, live webinars
Companies today often operate in very complex environments. The multitude of business partners, outsourcing, varying regulatory obligations, and geographically diverse workforce can make design and execution of awareness programs overwhelming.
North Wonders offers comprehensive solutions designed to support companies looking to drive organizational culture change around cyber security.
Monthly security awareness content
Quarterly compliance related content
Access to exclusive, live webinars
Simulated Phishing Tests
Gap analysis
Measurements of organizational cyber security awareness
Management reports
No two companies are exactly the same. North Wonders can work with your leadership to design the right awareness program for your company. Our customized solutions will address you key risks within your organization.
Risk Assessment
Customized awareness campaigns
Integration and coordination with other organizational communication campaigns
Live, in-person presentations