We develop and support safe behaviors and habits in individuals to help protect themselves and their organizations from today's ever-evolving cybersecurity threats.    

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Technology is a critical and pervasive component of our lives. Every day we interact with an ever-growing number of connected devices whether at work or at home. Both our work and personal lives are entrenched and dependent on these technologies that surround us.  

There have been many startling revelations of theft or misuse that have awoken people to the need for diligent controls and protections for this data.  As individuals, we expect protections of our personal data. As workers, we realize the damage breaches can do to both our consumers and our organizations. We all see the problem but, at an ever-increasing pace, breaches and hacks continue to occur based on user mistakes, omissions, and carelessness.  

A recent report by IBM shows that 95% of all cyber security incidents cited human error as a contributing factor. This included a variety of ways people interact with computer systems every day as both technology specialists and as end users. Careless clicks and shared passwords can be as dangerous as poorly configured firewalls.

As simple mistakes can be so costly, security must be top of mind for all employees. Behaviors, habits and constant mindfulness must be instilled and fostered. Users must be aware of today’s threats, proficient at detecting them, and know how to respond appropriately to protect themselves and their organizations.  




Using a variety of programs, the desired behaviors and habits are introduced and reinforced. Users receive timely, non-technical write ups of current events and trends – the impact of these is driven home by explaining how these can affect users as both consumers and employees. The awareness campaigns provide practical and actionable guidance to prevent, as well as respond to, such events.  

Beyond simple write ups, the program ties these discussions to users' personal lives. Users who appreciate the need to secure access to their personal bank, and understand how to do so, will be more likely to guard their work credentials. Users that understand how hackers take advantage of weak passwords to hijack Facebook accounts are more likely to use strong passwords at home and at work.  

North Wonders produces content that is relevant, interesting and actionable. Below is a sample of topics and takeaways users will learn about.  

•    What makes a password good or bad?  How can I better protect my bank and Facebook account?  
•    Is it safe to do banking on my smartphone?  What are tips to prevent theft of my phone?
•    Why do bad guys use email so often?  What are the best ways to detect fake emails?  
•    What is personal information?  Why is it so valuable?  How do I protect my personal information?  

As users strengthen their understanding of today's threats, they will develop good behaviors that become second nature and usable at school, home and at work. 

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